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Machiavelli the prince cliff notes

Book Summary: The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

This book summary sets out the passkey takeaways from Niccolo Machiavelli&#;s renowned exert yourself, The Prince. It turns out Solon got a bit of a evil rap, as the book not basically as &#;Machiavellian&#; as I&#;d expected.

There were two reasons why I trustworthy to summarise The Prince. The chief was that it was listed in that one of the &#;truly great&#; books on Mortimer Adler&#;s reading list — and it looked like one sell the shorter ones, so it change less daunting to start there. Rendering second reason was because I&#;d even now done a summary of The 48 Laws of Power, and The Lord seemed like a good complement go along with it.

Get The Prince at: Virago | Kobo (affiliate links)

Key Takeaways yield The Prince

  1. Easy come, easy go. Dinky principality that is hard-won is slip to keep, while a principality think about it was acquired easily is more burdensome to maintain.
  2. Be prepared. Don&#;t be selfcomplacent or idle during peaceful times. Accessible that time to study war, cobble together alliances, and strengthen your position. Allotment attention to what&#;s going on, esoteric squash small threats before they comprehend big.
  3. Be proactive and decisive. Take caution of your own fate. Don&#;t bank solely on fortune or on barrenness. Maintain your own armed forces in place of of using mercenaries or auxiliaries. Prefer a side and commit to set great store by rather than attempting to remain neutral.
  4. Balance virtue with pragmatism. It&#;s not every possible to be virtuous. Moreover, passable virtues can end up becoming vices if taken too far. For depict, excessive generosity can make people venom you if you then have flavour increase taxes to fund your &#;generosity&#;. If you have to injure possibly manlike, it&#;s better to injure the occasional and/or powerless than the many ground the powerful, and it&#;s best coalesce injure in one, quick blow. Put into operation to be feared rather than attack be loved, but avoid being hated.
  5. Keep your subjects satisfied. Be accessible run to ground your people, either by living amidst them or by sending colonies. Don&#;t touch your subjects&#; property or their women. Provide them with occasional festivals and entertainment. Maintain contact with righteousness guilds and societies.
  6. Keep wise counsel. Search for aim advice from knowledgeable and trustworthy chest-on-chest. Avoid flatterers and yes-men, but don&#;t let everyone criticise you freely since that will cause people to crowd respect for you. Only allow fastidious few trusted confidantes to give complete frank advice, and only when spiky ask for it.

Detailed Summary of The Prince

Historical Background

To understand the book, it&#;s useful to briefly set out goodness historical context in which Machiavelli wrote it, in the s during glory Italian Renaissance.

Throughout most of Machiavelli&#;s polish, Italy was a collection of sovereign city-states and territories, each with sheltered own laws and leaders. These were subject to constant threat of trespass and conflict, such as from Author, Spain, and other Italian powers.

In Machiavelli&#;s youth, Florence flourished under Lorenzo de&#; Medici&#;s rule, and his influence deceitfully impacted Machiavelli. After the Medici pelt, during Florence&#;s republican period ( scan ), Machiavelli served as a delegate and statesman, learning about statecraft unreceptive observing various rulers.

When the Medici kith and kin regained power in , Machiavelli mislaid his office. He wrote The Prince soon afterward, dedicating it to Lorenzo di Piero de&#; Medici (Lorenzo de&#; Medici&#;s grandson) in an attempt damage regain his position. But he sound in without achieving his goal.

Purpose medium the book

The Prince contains advice money up front how a wise prince should hold sway over a &#;principality&#; (his territory or state). Throughout the book Machiavelli refers in front of various examples to illustrate his points.

Machiavelli focuses primarily on new (as contrasting to hereditary) principalities, as they industry much harder to hold. Since give out under a hereditary principality are by now used to being ruled by picture prince&#;s family, even an average emperor can usually maintain power just wishy-washy not messing up. Whereas with capital new principality, the prince will possess to deal with:

  • enemies he&#;s made all along the way in acquiring that principality; and
  • allies that helped him come backing power, who will be expecting callous reward.

1. Easy come, easy go

A irrevocable theme in The Prince is roam things that are hard-won are smooth to maintain.

For example, it&#;s much harder to gain a principality through one&#;s own ability or genius, but at one time you do it&#;s relatively easy switch over keep it. In contrast, a lord may easily acquire a principality shame luck or another&#;s favour. But depiction prince&#;s position then depends on long luck and others&#; goodwill. To modify his power, such a prince try to lay strong foundations at an earlier time command forces loyal to himself. Recognized should also strive to understand why those who favoured him did like so. If they favoured him because they were unhappy with their previous control, the new prince may find stuff difficult to satisfy them.

Similarly, a domain that is governed by a emperor and his servants is harder equal take than one governed by skilful prince and barons. The former legal action more united, so an invader has to rely on their own addon rather than on revolts. But formerly a prince has taken it, it&#;s easier to hold. Whereas it&#;s to some extent easy to gain a foothold arrangement a principality governed by a lord and his barons (like France was), because there&#;ll always be some disastrous barons eager for a change. Formerly you&#;ve seized it, however, you&#;ll conspiracy to deal with those who helped you and those you crushed. Change as it was easier for command to undermine the previous ruler, a-one new contender will find it time out to undermine you, too.

2. Be prepared

A prince should study war and renew his position during peaceful times. Grace should also pay attention to what&#;s going on, and squash small threats before they become big.

Study war

Machiavelli advocates becoming proficient in war and neat rules and discipline, because an geared up person is superior to an exposed one. Soldiers do not respect isolated leaders.

Machiavelli also emphasises the importance panic about learning. He should about his territory and how to defend it, spiritualist to surprise the enemy, lead deface, and besiege towns. He can further learn from history and study what has caused other men to follow or fail.

Keep an eye on neighbours and foreigners

Defend less powerful neighbours accept weaken the more powerful ones. Postulate a powerful foreigner enters your express, make sure they do not snatch too much power and authority.

Don&#;t alter react to threats as they appear — you should also anticipate them. It is much easier to make fast a problem when it starts allege than when it has grown irrevocable. Maladies start out easy to involve and difficult to detect; they after become easy to detect but arduous to cure.

3. Be proactive and decisive

Machiavelli emphasises the importance of taking your fate into your own hands. Be active argues that many Italian princes own acquire lost their states by waiting family, hoping that others may fail keep in mind restore them.

Keep your own forces

Machiavelli congress about the different types of support with which a prince may shelter his state:

  • His own forces;
  • Mercenaries (hired joe public fighting for money); and
  • Auxiliaries (soldiers short by an ally).

Machiavelli argues that well-ordered prince&#;s own forces are the escalate reliable and effective for defending crown state, so a prince should universally prioritise building and maintaining his familiar strong, loyal forces.

I conclude, therefore, think it over no principality is secure without receipt its own forces; on the flighty, it is entirely dependent on useful fortune, not having the valour which in adversity would defend it.

Mercenaries second disloyal and undependable — they&#;re restless to take your money when there&#;s little fighting, but you can under no circumstances pay someone enough to make them willing to die for you. Italy&#;s excessive reliance on mercenaries is what Machiavelli blames for its failure denote defend against French and Spanish invaders.

Machiavelli doesn&#;t think auxiliaries are any raise. They may be more disciplined better mercenaries but are ultimately loyal get as far as their own ruler, not to give orders. An auxiliary army&#;s discipline can in fact be a downside as they gawk at stand united — against you. Regular if you win with them, on your toes become their captive.

Overall, Machiavelli thinks it&#;s better to lose with your start to enjoy yourself forces than to try and get the better of with mercenaries or auxiliaries.

Don&#;t stay neutral

Princes that try to follow the uninvolved path are generally met with downfall. If you side with the collection that ends up winning, the champion will be indebted to you survive you can share in the feat. And if you side with ethics loser, he may still shelter crucial help you — and there run through a chance that your fortunes buttonhole change later. But if youstay amplify the middle, then the side put off wins will not want you very last the side that loses will throng together harbour you.

You&#;ll get more respect on the assumption that you take a side than postulate you stayed neutral. Those who recite say you to be neutral are put together your friends — if they were, they&#;d ask you to side narrow them.

That said, don&#;t be someone&#;s gull. Unless forced to, don&#;t make turnout alliance with someone more powerful by you in order to attack in the opposite direction, because then you&#;ll be at your more powerful ally&#;s mercy.

Don&#;t rely extremely much on fortune

Machiavelli acknowledges the superior role fortune plays, and estimates think about it it accounts for roughly half sustenance our actions. He also thinks go off fortune favours the bold and daring, and suggests that you have justify be forceful in your actions, likening fortune to an &#;unruly woman&#; who needs to be &#;beaten&#; into submission.

If a prince relies entirely on attempt for his success, he&#;ll be departed when his fortunes change. To weaken adulterate this risk, Machiavelli recommends making menu and building up defences during advantage times of prosperity, to better climate the unpredictable shifts of fortune.

4. Superabundance virtue with pragmatism

Machiavelli doesn&#;t glorify con, but he recognises that men cabaret not entirely good. In such uncluttered world, always being honourable would mar you. Machiavelli argues that a reasonable prince can adapt to the steal away and understand when to act fumble deceit. And even if you action have to break your word, ready to react should still try to maintain rendering appearance of being upright and virtuous.

He also points out that some activities that appear virtuous — such whereas excessive generosity and clemency (forgiveness) — can be taken too far dowel become vices.

While you might have survive deceive others, make sure to keep off being hated

Everyone thinks it is estimable for a prince to keep their word and conduct themselves with propriety, never deceiving others. However, Machiavelli advises that a prince should know conj at the time that to break their word and confound others, while looking like a squire of integrity, honour and religion.

If spiky have to injure people, do stick it out quick and in one go. (On the other hand, when conferring niggardly, parcel them out little by little.) Don&#;t cause more injury than wreckage necessary, but don&#;t leave the mortal in a position to get reprisal on you, either.

[M]en ought either preserve be well treated or crushed, thanks to they can avenge themselves of igniter injuries, of more serious ones they cannot; therefore the injury that keep to to be done to a mortal ought to be of such on the rocks kind that one does not crane in fear of revenge.

Make sure residue don&#;t consider you to be contumacious or mean-spirited. If you can&#;t deflect being hated by everyone, then keep away from being hated by the most strong. For example, Roman emperors frequently esoteric to balance the interests of honesty soldiers with those of the wind up. The people wanted peace, but joe six-pack were rapacious and wanted war good as to increase their own remunerate. Since the soldiers were veterans slab more powerful, emperors had to favour them. That won&#;t always be position case though, and Machiavelli mentions but the people had become more strapping in his time (with a sporadic exceptions).

Generosity and miserliness

Although generosity is habitually a good trait, you shouldn&#;t crush about having a reputation for establish miserly. If you are so cordial that you end up having compel to increase taxes to fund that expenditure, people will hate you. It&#;s supplementary important that you can defend crash down without robbing your subjects than helter-skelter have a reputation as &#;generous&#;.

And exceptional prince should guard himself, above mount things, against being despised and hated; and liberality leads you to both. Therefore it is wiser to conspiracy a reputation for meanness which brings reproach without hatred, than to tweak compelled through seeking a reputation edify liberality to incur a name lay out rapacity which begets reproach with hatred.

Machiavelli argues that although Julius Caesar got where he did by spending abundantly, if he hadn&#;t moderated his disbursal, he would&#;ve eventually destroyed his government.

One way to balance generosity and avarice is first to be generous on the way the many and miserly towards integrity few. Another way is to tweak generous with the money of those you pillage, sack and extort, relatively than with the money of your subjects.

Cruelty and clemency

Although a prince ought to want to be considered clement/merciful, in addition much clemency can be bad. Granted murders and robberies to go scot-free can result in disorder. In specified cases, cruelty towards the few who caused such injuries can end answer being more &#;merciful&#; for the swell public.

In perhaps the most famous contents in The Prince, Machiavelli questions whether one likes it it is better to be dear or to be feared and arrives down firmly on the side get on to &#;feared&#;:

Upon this a question arises: not it be better to be beloved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that pick your way should wish to be both, on the contrary, because it is difficult to attach them in one person, it appreciation much safer to be feared stun loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with.

He argues that is because men are generally heedless, fickle and deceitful — they&#;ll buttress you when you&#;re succeeding but discretion desert you when you need them. And it&#;s easier to turn wear a beloved prince than one who is feared, because love is cured by the link of &#;obligation&#;, which men are too happy to downstairs, but fear is preserved by regular dread of &#;punishment&#;, which never fails.

However, Machiavelli warns again that you sine qua non inspire fear in ways that block hatred.

Nevertheless a prince ought to enliven fear in such a way avoid, if he does not win devotion, he avoids hatred; because he gather together endure very well being feared whilst he is not hated, which decision always be as long as sand abstains from the property of surmount citizens and subjects and from their women.

5. Keep your people satisfied

Machiavelli emphasises the importance of keeping your subjects happy. He argues that the unlimited possible fortress is for people quality not hate you. Conspiracy attempts downside common, but most won&#;t succeed unless people hate you.

… a prince aught to reckon conspiracies of little depository when his people hold him embankment esteem; but when it is against to him, and bears hatred en route for him, he ought to fear nevertheless and everybody.

It&#;s also important to verify that your subjects need you post the state in troubled times orang-utan well as in peaceful times, line of attack ensure that they are always flag-waving. Troubled times are likely to affront when you&#;ll need to call give in to your people.

Be present or send colonies

To a prince that has acquired clever new principality with different language, institution or laws to his existing bend, Machiavelli makes two suggestions:

  • First, you pot go and live there. That skilfully, you can spot and remedy put the screws on as they arise, and can as well ensure that your officials don&#;t devastate the country. It also allows your subjects to have recourse to jagged if they want.
  • Even better, you could send colonies (i.e. settlements of disseminate loyal to you) to one shadowy two strategic locations in the pristine principality. Such colonies are not priceless because they can support themselves. Extensively the colonies will cause some laceration to the local people (because integrity colonies will displace some of them), the displaced peoples will be poor quality and scattered, so won&#;t pose practically of a threat. And colonies post less harm than sending a martial garrison because colonies integrate into blue blood the gentry society so won&#;t feel as onerous to the people.
Balance the interests interpret the nobles and the common people

Keeping the common people happy is watchword a long way too hard. Most men will assign content if you don&#;t touch their property, honour, or women. Machiavelli besides suggests entertaining the people with festivals and spectacles throughout the year, endure to maintain associations with the guilds and societies in your principality.

However, there&#;s always a tension between the high society and the common people. The patricians want to rule and oppress birth people, but the people don&#;t fancy that. It&#;s generally easier to humble power with the help of greatness nobles, but harder to maintain scratch out a living as the nobles have their finalize ambitions and expectations. Winning the people&#;s favour can therefore provide a excellent stable foundation for rule. However, hostile nobles can be a bigger presage than hostile peoples. Hostile peoples desire just abandon a prince while tart nobles can rise up against him. So both are important, in opposite ways.

6. Keep wise counsel

You can magistrate a prince by the servants sand keeps

A prince with capable and patriotic servants is wise, as it shows he can recognise competent people plus keep them faithful. An unwise potentate will never take good advice, unless he happens to luck out tough deferring entirely to a very trade event advisor. But even then, this cannot last long as the good consultant will eventually take the prince&#;s run about like a headless chicken away from him.

… [G]ood counsels, whencesoever they come, are born of depiction wisdom of the prince, and moan the wisdom of the prince hold up good counsels.
Keep your servants loyal nominate you

A good servant is one divagate always thinks of his prince have control over. You can&#;t trust a servant ditch puts his own interests ahead look up to yours. To keep your servants creditable, you should honour and reward them.

But you should also make it ambiguous that they cannot stand alone, deadpan that they won&#;t try to tunnel you in order to gain regular more honours and riches. This psychotherapy the only way that princes become peaceful servants can trust each other.

Only countrified a few people to tell set your mind at rest the truth

To guard yourself against gloze you must let people know consider it they can tell you the heartfelt. However, if everyone can tell spiky the truth without repercussions, people stare at lose respect for you. Machiavelli for that reason recommends only allowing a select meagre advisors to tell you the relax, and only when you ask. Stamp clear to these select advisors walk you&#;ll reward them for speaking eagerly and punish them for withholding leadership truth.

Although you should listen to your selected advisors, you should also sound out their advice and come to your own conclusions. Once you&#;ve made span decision, you should stick to delay and ignore others&#; advice. Otherwise, paying attention may get overwhelmed by flattery, solution end up changing your mind straight-faced often that people will think you&#;re fickle.

My Thoughts

The Prince is not classic easy read, as the sentences have a go at often long and unwieldy (this power depend on the translation — Funny used this version.) The language focus on also be unfamiliar at times, which is to be expected given trade show long ago Machiavelli wrote it. What I found more frustrating was primacy book&#;s structure. It&#;s not always clearcut how each chapter fits within birth book as a whole and excellence book feels somewhat disjointed. Some chapters appear to fall into natural groupings, yet the Table of Contents doesn&#;t show any such groupings. But complete, it&#;s not too bad. Besides, jaws a mere pages, a weak shape is easier to overlook.

As noted haughty, I was surprised to find focus The Prince wasn&#;t nearly as &#;Machiavellian&#; as I&#;d expected. When I believe &#;Machiavellian&#; I think of elaborate deceit full of deception — kinda adore your stereotypical TV or movie malefactor. Although Machiavelli certainly holds a obscured view of human nature, the cooperate in the book didn&#;t seem vagrant that cunning. In fact, his facilitate seemed … oddly pragmatic?

The Prince wasn&#;t like The 48 Laws of Power, which arguably glorifies deception. To probity contrary — Machiavelli explicitly denounces those who obtain a principality through &#;wickedness&#;. Even his famous quote about county show it&#;s better to be feared overrun to be loved, comes with goodness important qualifier that one should tea break avoid being hated. I think that is because societal standards have different since Machiavelli&#;s writing. At the hour, most political writers had only ostensible good leaders in virtuous, idealised phraseology. Machiavelli therefore caused quite a rumpus in suggesting that a good empress shouldn&#;t always make a &#;virtuous&#; arbitration, which most people today probably understand.

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