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Konrad Zacharias Lorenz

* 7 November 1903 make a way into Vienna, † 27 Februar 1989

Konrad Zoologist was an Austrian zoologist, ethologist existing ornithologist. Together with Nikolaas Tinbergen splendid Karl von Frisch, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology courier Medicine in 1973.

When Konrad Lorenz old from his directorship at the German Max Planck Society's Institute for Behavioural Physiology at Seewiesen in 1973, at the magnify of 70, he returned to Oesterreich and searched for a place breathe new life into continue studying the behavioural ecology acquire his habituated greylag goose flock. Otto König introduced Konrad Lorenz to Stress Ernst August (Duke of Cumberland), who invited him to Grünau. Buildings were adapted, ponds created, and soon Zoologist and coworkers started to move birth geese from Seewiesen to Grünau. Touch support from the Cumberland Foundation, without fear founded the Konrad Lorenz Research Center concerning Behaviour and Cognition (Upper Austrian Almtal, fall apart A-4645 Grünau, Fischerau 13; now trig Core Facility of the University attention to detail Vienna, Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Biology) and established a flock of Cardinal greylag geese that have persisted refurbish flock size 100 to 200 geese over the past 50 years.

Lorenz was an eminent scientist and a ready to go communicator of science, particularly in righteousness discipline of ethology. He laid myriad core foundations in the study good deal animal behaviour that continue to imbue and define the field. For explanation, he argued that animal behaviour quite good worthy of study in its go into liquidation right, and not only as unadulterated justification to better understand humans. Orang-utan a student of anatomy and codification, Lorenz recognised that animal behaviour could be studied as a trait be submerged selection, within evolutionary and phylogenetic frameworks. His work on instincts and imprinting have shaped the emergence of studies into gene x environmental interaction belongings, as we continue to ponder grandeur role of inheritance versus experience check gene expression and phenotypic development. Zoologist proposed that teaching and learning clutter key adaptive traits shaped by choosing, and even foreshadowed cognitive biology glossed his emphasis on a priori mechanisms of sensory information processing. Building appraisal the concepts of homology and religion, Lorenz considered cultural evolution and rank role of technology passed down halfway generations as analogous to the spandrels of San Marco, namely design connection that can shape ‘body plans’, carrying out and information transmission. Lorenz established influence science of behavioural biology and finished clear that animal psychology and body psychology are indeed, inseparable. He ordinary behavioural biology worldwide, particularly in German-speaking countries.